Sunday, February 22, 2009
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Next time, a little more to the left, please
In early January there was a big windstorm that knocked down a huge oak tree on the northwest side of the park. If the tree hadn't fallen down to the south it could have very easily fallen into second avenue or could have crushed the gazebo nearby. My only regret is that it didn't land on the crappy wooden benches near the bandshell that are splinteri
ng apart themselves.
Monday, September 1, 2008
Guerilla Gardening - An Act of Floral Disobedience
Why did I drive over to Colonial Gardens on a Sunday afternoon to buy these petunias at my own expense, dig up the weeds and plant these flowers? Two reasons: 1) I care too much about the park to let it look crappy, 2) I knew that if I asked someone with the borough public works department to do something about it it would probably never happen. I am not bashing the borough, but it's pretty clear that maintaining the landscaping at RP is not a top priority for them. The funny thing is that, at some level, I was probably breaking some civil ordinance, but hey if planting petunias is wrong, I don't want to be right...
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Private Groups Meeting in a Public Park
This morning, Saturday August 23, Mosaic Church of the Valley, a new church belonging to the Assemblies of God denomination held an event called "Phoenixville Community Day" in Reeves Park. Although their beliefs may be a bit more socially conservative than the mainstream, it was nice to see them reaching out to the community.
This is an example of the park being used by a private group for public purposes. Other examples of this include last week's Latino Cultural Festival or political rallies, such as the ones we've seen for Ed Rendell, Lynn Swann, or John Edwards back in 2004. Generally speaking, I'm OK with this, where it can get sticky sometimes is when the group using the park expresses potentially polarizing views, be the political, religious, or whatever. So while it was cool that Mosaic church today was giving out free hot dogs and had a moon bounce open to any little kid who stopped by, was it cool for them to be praying over the loudspeaker and singing overtly Christian songs? Personally, I'm not the type who feels threatened by people who have different beliefs than me but maybe it would have been better handled if they limited themselves to non-religious material and simply made people who were interested aware of their location and what time their church service was.

Sunday, August 17, 2008
A Fountain in Reeves Park?
On the western end of the park, facing Main St., there is a circular fenced in area currently housing a time capsule, some flowers, and a large number of weeds. At one time there used to be a fountain on this very spot. Part of this blog's focus is to look into the possibility of putting a fountain back into this very spot. A few initial observations:
1) Reeves Park is located away from downtown so it is not a focus of the much discussed "revitalization" at this point.
2) While much focus is given to the periodic events within the park, such as the Dogwood Festival or the summer concert series, the vast majority of people using Reeves Park are everyday residents of the borough and/or people using the library (who tend to be borough residents)
3) While it's theoretically possible for borough council to fund the re-installation of a fountain, it will likely be much more efficient to receive funding through the private sector, such as community foundations, individuals, corporations, and community groups such as the Jaycees or Kiwanis.
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